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Safety Training

The purpose of this course is to teach you how to safely operate the MRI scanner at the Northwestern Center for Translational Imaging (CTI). This is not only for your protection but for the protection of research subjects, co-workers and emergency workers. Please follow the steps below.

Note: It is important to renew your safety certification ANNUALLY to ensure continued access to CTI. 

  1. Sign up to the CTI listserv. 
    From the email address you want to be registered, send an email to CTI listserv. Leave the subject line blank, and add the following line to the body with your first and last name: "Subscribe CTI (insert name)." To unsubscribe email the listserv, leaving the subject line blank and removing any email signatures, with the message: “UNSUBSCRIBE CTI.”

  2. Read and understand the following documents:
  3. Review information on
    This website is an a excellent free resource for MRI safety questions and up-to-date information.

  4. View the imaging facility pre-MRI screening form.
    You are encouraged to use this document to screen all of your subjects and patients prior to any MRI exams. This form has been compiled by several institutions and represents vast experience.

  5. Attend the MRI field trip.
    This visit includes a review of essential safety items (about 40 minutes) as well as an in-person tour of our facility (30 minutes). Tours are limited to 10 people, and two options are offered on training day. All trips will take place at CTI in the Olson Pavilion and will begin in the CTI lobby (how to get to CTI). Sign-up links are sent out on the CTI listserv at the beginning of the week for each field trip. Attendees must sign up to attend the tour. Trips are offered twice monthly (date and time are subject to change; please confirm with either Jennie Chen, PhD, or Donny Nieto, before training):
    • First Friday of each month – presentation at 2 p.m., tours at 3 and 3:45 pm.
    • Second or third Wednesday of each month at 8 a.m.

  6. Complete the online exam.
    The information required to pass the safety certification exam is primarily contained in the several documents provided through this web page. Additionally, the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging has dedicated an entire issue to safety topics. Once you have reviewed this information, please contact Donny Nieto or Jennie Chen, PhD to take the online exam. 

  7. Activate keycard.
    Secure wildcards, which include an ID number of five digits, are required to access CTI and its machines. Evanston IDs may be exchanged for secure cards at the Chicago Wildcard office. Northwestern-affiliated PIs should request contractors' cards. If your PI is not affiliated with Northwestern, please contact the appropriate team member:

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